Saturday, May 28, 2011

New: Bousou Shojo v2 c7

You know, I'm always complaining about being broke and poor so I thought I should explain why, since I don't think I've ever done so in detail.

I work for a temp agency, so I might get only a few days work each month, which is great for manga because I have lots of free time, but not so good on the wallet. I can't spend my mid-month check because I don't know if I'll get enough work to cover in the second half of the month, so I have long periods of time where I have empty pockets. Sometimes, though rarely, I have even turned down work because I know I have enough to cover. This month, for example, after paying rent and bills, I was left with a little less than $17 for food etc.

That's why I rely on ES and DF. I make about $2 per release on ES, and like $0.75 on DF. And that's considering DF gets twice the downloads. Anyway, that's why, when I realized I only had $17, I asked that you use ES last time. But not to worry, I will be fine thanks to a nice donation (and to that donor, thank you, you saved me, but that's enough, you're making me feel guilty, lol). Anyway, I just thought that deserved an explanation. Sorry for being so long-winded.

Bousou Shojo v2 c7 ES / DF

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